Obtaining Your Stripe Test Credentials
1. Log in to your Stripe account.
2. Using the side panel menu, navigate to Developers > API Keys.
3. Enable the Viewing Test Data option on the top of the page.
4. Scroll down to the Standard Keys section, and click on both your Publishable and Secret Key to copy them.
5. Send both keys to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your Stripe Live API Keys
1. Log in to your Stripe account.
2. Using the side panel menu, navigate to Developers > API Keys.
3. Ensure that the Viewing Test Data option on the top of the page is disabled.
4. Scroll down to the Standard Keys section, and click on both your Publishable and Secret Key to copy them.
5. Send both keys to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
When using Stripe, webhooks can be used to trigger notifications and corresponding reactions in your Store. Webhooks can be particularly useful for managing asynchronous events in your Store, such as using the Payment Intents API, receiving notifications of payouts, and subscriptions.
Once webhooks have been implemented, Stripe will notify the Store about any changes made within the system so that the Store can react accordingly. This can include updating a customer's record once their subscription payment is processed, or adjusting invoices before it has been paid.
Click here to learn more about using Stripe webhooks, and creating webhook endpoints in the Store.
Obtaining Your Moneris Test Credentials
1. Log in to the Moneris Developer Portal using your developer credentials.
If you do not have a Moneris Developer account, then click the Sign Up link to create one.
2. Scroll down to the Test Credentials section of the Profile Panel.
3. Copy your test credentials, and send it to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your Moneris Live API Keys
1. Log in to the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre using your Merchant Gateway Account credentials.
2. Go to My Account and click on the Admin drop-down menu on the upper navigation bar.
3. Click on Store Settings.
4. Your Live API Key can be found under the API Token section.
5. Send both your API key and your Store ID to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your PayPal API Keys
1. Log into your PayPal Live or Sandbox account.
2. Go to your Account Settings.
3. On the Account Access page, navigate to the API Access section and click on the corresponding Update link.
4. Scroll down to the NVP/SOAP API Integration section, and click the Manage API credentials link.
5. Click the Show link for the API Username, API Password, and Signature. Copy your credentials, and send it to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your PayPal Merchant ID
1. Log into your PayPal Live or Sandbox account.
2. Go to your Account Settings, and navigate to Business Information in the side-panel menu.
3. Copy your PayPal Merchant ID key, and send it to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Testing a Purchase With PayPal Sandbox
To create a test transaction with your Lambda Store website, you must your Sandbox test account details, as using a real PayPal account will not work.
To obtain a Sandbox test account:
1. Log in to PayPal, and open Developer View.
2. Click Create Account.
3. Select Personal (Buyer Account) under Account Type, and Canada from the Country/Region drop-down menu, and click Create.
PayPal will then create a Sandbox Account, which will be listed under your Sandbox Accounts in the dashboard.
4. To manage your sandbox account details, hover over the corresponding Settings icon under the Manage Accounts column, and click View/Edit Account.
5. Copy and store your Email ID and System Generated Password.
6. Once you are complete, log out of PayPal. You can then use this account information to create a test transaction on your Lambda Store website.
When setting up your payment gateway, we require the following pieces of information: API Login ID, Transaction Key, Public Client Key, and Signature Key.
Obtaining Your Keys
1. Log in to the Sandbox option of the Developer Site.
2. Navigate to the Account section.
3. Under the Security Settings section, click on API Credentials & Key.
4. Copy your API Login Key.
5. If you have a copy of your current Transaction Key, please send it to the Lambda Support team. However, if you do not, you will need to generate a new Transaction Key.
Generating a new Transaction Key will result in your current key being disabled after 24 hours, and may create issues with any other systems using your current key.
Once you have generated a new Transaction Key, please keep a copy of it to ensure that you can continue using it in the future.
Under the Create New Key(s) section, generate and copy your Transaction Key and your Signature Key.
6. Once you are complete, return to the Account page.
7. Under the Security Settings section, click on Manage Public Client Key.
8. Under the Create New Public Client Key section, click on Submit to generate your Public Client Key, which you can then copy.
9. Send your API Login Key, Transaction Key, Signature Key, and Public Client Key to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your Square Test Credentials
1. Log in to the Square Developer Site, and navigate to the Developer Dashboard.
2. Click on the Add icon to create a new application for your Lambda Store.
3. Ensure that your application is set to Sandbox credentials.
4. Copy your Sandbox Application ID and Sandbox Access Token, and send it to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
Obtaining Your Square API Key
1. Log in to the Square Developer Site, and navigate to the Developer Dashboard.
2. Click on the Add icon to create a new application for your Lambda Store.
3. Ensure that your application is set to Production credentials.
4. Copy your Production Application ID and Production Access Token, and send it to the Lambda Support team via Privnote for a secure transfer of information.
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