About This Release
The Lambda Suite is specifically designed to help you sell more eLearning, and this release is another step towards helping you maximize your revenue.
Login as Customer
You can now log into the Lambda Suite as your customers to instantly see their view and hep them troubleshoot any issues.
Customer Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Either as a required login option for everyone or allowing individual users to enable two-factor authentication, your users will have a greater sense of security knowing their information is protected.
This feature will only work if you have an accompanying Twilio account.
Purchasing Rules
Products can now be configured with purchasing rules to offer you better control over when users can purchase you products. The three "rules" options include defining prerequisites (e.g. they must purchase the Introduction course before they can purchase the Advanced course), equivalencies (e.g. they cannot buy the English course if they have purchased the French course), and preventing duplicates (e.g. they have already purchased a course, and thus cannot purchase it again).
Course Extensions
Products that are linked to Courses and are sold with a valid Enrolment End Date can be configured to also offer course extensions that allow your users to purchase more time. Configurable options also allow you to decide when your users can purchase extensions, how often, how much more time they can purchase, and how much those extensions cost.
Square Payments
We have added an option for you to choose Square for your credit card processing, with full support for payments, refunds, voids, and cancellations.
Student Cancel
You can enable (per product) the option for students to cancel a course purchase and receive a refund. You can configure the availability of this option with a certain number of days, and any applicable administrative fees to be subtracted from the refunded amount.
Added, Improved, Updated, and Resolved
- Added an option to generate a random Student Number that is associated with a user's profile. The user can then log in with their email address or student number.
- Added an option to disable the user from being able to change their email address.
- Added an option to delete Lambda Store Enrollment for a specific learner.
- Added an option to determine whether credit memos unenroll learners or suspends their enrolment.
- Added General Ledger (GL) Codes to the product.
- Added audit logs to Lambda Store so you can see what actions your administrators and learners have taken.
- Added options to add to the Create Account page such as your own banner, header text, and extra information text on the right side of the page.
- Added an option for you to show the learner’s progress inside a Course to make it easier for them to track their progress.
- Added password strength requirements and indicator on the Create Account page to help the learner know if they have a strong enough password.
- Added an option for the Company Admin to remove a learner from a company or re-assign a learner to another company.
- Improved the company profile with an option to assign a company to a specific store (or stores), and capture the name and contact details for a key contact.
- Updated the design of the header in Lambda Store to better modernize the experience.
- Updated the user profile information that is synchronized between the Store and Learn.
- Updated the French language pack with more translations.
- Updated underlying technology to provide a faster, more responsive experience for users.
- Resolved the Authorize.net integration to support Credit Memos.
- Resolved the issue with users changing their email address and not being able to see their enrolled learning.
- Resolved the issue where the Euro € symbol was being shown instead of the Canadian Dollar $ symbol.
- Resolved the issue where Credit Memo items were not shown on the Credit Memo Email Template.
- Resolved an issue where assigning courses to learners with special characters in their email address (e.g., pete-dash@example.com) would show an error message.
- Resolved an issue where in some cases the learner was not able to place and order and see their order receipt.
Performance/Security/Quality Enhancements
- Improved overall site performance, specifically the time to get from product to checkout.
- Improved quality with minor user interface improvements, fixed bugs, and general performance improvements to make the solution even better for you.
- Resolved security vulnerabilities that help close remote code execution (RCE) and cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. No confirmed attacks related to these issues have occurred to date.
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