Navigating the Orders Page
On the Orders page, you can filter and manage existing orders on the Orders grid. The Orders grid lists all current orders in descending sequence from the latest purchase date to the oldest purchase date.
You can use the standard controls to sort and filter the list, find orders, and apply actions to selected orders. You can also create new orders for customers.
Order Actions
To apply an action to a specific order:
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid and select the checkbox.
3. Then, select an operation from the Actions control menu.
Cancel: Cancels the order
Hold: Places a hold on the order
Unhold: Removes the 'hold' status of orders previously placed on hold
Print Invoices: Prints the order's invoice(s)
Prints Packing Slips: Prints the order's packing slip(s)
Print Credit Memos: Prints the order's credit memo(s)
Print All: Prints the order's invoice(s), packing slip(s), credit memo(s), and shipping label(s)
Print Shipping Labels: Prints the order's shipping label(s)
Order Status
When a customer places an order, a sales order is created as a temporary record of the transaction and initially has the status of pending after purchase.
Sales orders can be edited while pending, and can be canceled up until an invoice is generated. If a customer would like to cancel their order after an invoice has been generated, you can issue a refund through providing a credit memo.
There are two main types of products: Shippable products and Non-shippable products.
Managing a Shippable Product
Step 1: View Order (Status: 'Pending')
After purchase, the sales order is initially listed as 'pending.'
Step 2: Invoice an Order (Status: 'Processing')
When payment is confirmed and the item is invoiced, the sales order is then listed as 'processing.'
Step 3: Send Shipment (Status: 'Complete')
Once the order has been invoiced and shipped, then the sales order is listed as 'complete.'
Managing a Non-shippable Product
Step 1: View Order (Status: 'Pending')
After purchase, the sales order is initially listed as 'pending.'
Step 2: Invoice an Order (Status: 'Complete')
When the payment is confirmed and the item is invoiced, the sales order is then listed as 'complete.'
Viewing and Editing an Order
Once a sales order is generated, the store administrator can view and edit the order while it is still pending.
Viewing an Order
To view the list of generated sales orders:
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Then, click View in the Action column.
This generates a new page that shows all the information regarding the order.
Order & Account Information section: You can view the current progress of the order, and the customer's account information.
Address Information section: You can view and edit the customer's billing and shipping addresses.
Payment & Shipping Method section: You can view the customer's payment information and the shipping & handling information.
Items Ordered section: You can view the particular product(s) that have been purchased.
Order Total section: You can view the total amount of the order, and create comments to be sent to the customer and the storefront.
Editing an Order
An order can be edited while it is still processing, which will generate an entirely new order. Editing orders allows store administrators to edit various processes, such as changing the payment method, applying discounts, and updating items and quantities.
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid, and click View in the Action column.
3. On the top-right corner, click Edit to edit the order.
4. Create the necessary modifications, and click Submit Order.
Viewing an Invoice and Invoicing an Order
An invoice is a record that shows the payment transaction of an order. Multiple invoices can be created for a single order, and you can specify each to include as few or as many of the purchased products as necessary.
View an Invoice
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel sidebar, click Sales > Invoices to access the Invoices page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid, and click View in the Action column.
Once you have entered the invoice's viewing page, you can print the invoice or send it as an email to the customer.
Invoice an Order
Creating an invoice for an order converts the temporary sales order into a permanent record that cannot be canceled. Store administrators can still use a credit memo to refund the product after the order has been invoiced.
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
1. Find your desired order on the grid. Under the Status column, check to see if the order status is Pending.
2. Click View under the Action column.
3. On the header menu of the sales order, select the Invoice option.
4. Review the information on the New Invoice page. Edit the following sections if necessary:
Account Information: You can edit the customer's account information through clicking on Edit Customer.
Address Information: You can edit the customer's billing and shipping addresses by clicking Edit beside the appropriate address header.
Payment & Shipping Method: You can add shipment information to the customer's order by selecting Create Shipment. This involves including the carrier, title, and tracking number.
However, if the order is not yet ready to be shipped, you can skip this step and manually create a shipment after the order has been invoiced.
Items to Invoice: You can adjust the quantity of the product to be invoiced by clicking Update Qtys to your new Qty to Invoice.
Order Total and Submit Invoice: You can choose to email a copy of the invoice to the customer and append comments to that email.
5. Once you are complete, click Submit Invoice.
Once the order has been invoiced, its order status will change.
- If the product is shippable and has not yet shipped, the status will change from Pending to Processing after submitting the invoice.
- If the product is not shippable, then the status will change from Pending to Complete after submitting the invoice.
Viewing and Sending Shipments
The Shipments grid lists the shipment record of all products that have been prepared for shipping. A shipping record can be generated after an order is invoiced.
View a Shipment
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Shipments to access the Shipments page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid, and click View in the Action column.
Once you have entered the shipment information page, you can view the payment, shipping and tracking information, and the items shipped. You can also choose to print the shipment, or send tracking information to the customer.
Sending Shipments
Sending shipments is a necessary step for processing orders with shippable products. Once you have shipped an order, its status will change from Processing to Complete.
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid. Under the Status column, check to see if the order status is Processing.
3. Click View under the Action column.
4. On the header menu of the sales order, choose the Ship option.
5. Review the information on the New Shipment page. Edit the following sections if necessary:
Account Information: You can edit the customer's account information through clicking on Edit Customer.
Address Information: You can edit the customer's billing and shipping addresses by clicking Edit beside the appropriate address header.
Payment & Shipping Method: You can add shipment information to the customer's order, including the carrier, title, and tracking number. You can add multiple tracking numbers.
Items to Ship: You can adjust the quantity of the product to be invoiced by clicking Update Qtys to your now Qty to Ship.
Order Total and Submit Shipment: You can choose to email a copy of the shipment to the customer and append comments to that email.
6. Once you are complete, click Submit Shipment at the bottom of the page.
Once the order has been shipped, its order status will change from Processing to Complete.
Sending Shipments with Different Inventory Sources
This requires the use of multiple inventory sources. Click here for more information.
If your store has multiple inventory sources enabled, then you can select the source from which a particular order will deduct from.
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid. Under the Status column, check to see if the order status is Processing.
3. Click View under the Action column.
4. On the header menu of the sales order, choose the Ship option.
5. Using the Source drop-down menu, select the inventory source that the order will be deducted from.
6. Under Available Sources, enter the number to be deducted from the inventory source.
7. Once you are complete, click Proceed to Shipment.
8. Review the information on the New Shipment page. Edit the following sections if necessary:
Account Information: You can edit the customer's account information through clicking on Edit Customer.
Address Information: You can edit the customer's billing and shipping addresses by clicking Edit beside the appropriate address header.
Payment & Shipping Method: You can add shipment information to the customer's order, including the carrier, title, and tracking number. You can add multiple tracking numbers.
Items to Ship: You can adjust the quantity of the product to be invoiced by clicking Update Qtys to your now Qty to Ship.
Order Total and Submit Shipment: You can choose to email a copy of the shipment to the customer and append comments to that email.
6. Once you are complete, click Submit Shipment at the bottom of the page.
Coordinating In-Store Pickups
This requires the use of the In-Store Pickup option. Click here for more information.
If your store has the In-Store Pickup option available, then you can easily notify customers once their order is available for pickup.
1. On the Lambda Store admin panel, click Sales > Orders to access the Orders page.
2. Find your desired order on the grid. Under the Status column, check to see if the order status is Processing.
3. Click View under the Action column.
4. On the header menu of the sales order, choose the Notify Order is Ready for Pickup option.
5. The system will now notify the customer that they can pickup their order from your location.
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