Introduction to Store Credits (formerly known as Gift Cards)
Store Credits can be created and given to individual customers for them to use when purchasing products from your store.
When creating Store Credits, store administrators can determine:
- The code that customers must input when buying the products
- The amount that customers can spend in the store
- The valid from and valid to dates.
The Creating Store Credits Form page also lists any previous Store Credits that you have issued to the selected customer.
Creating aStore Credits
1. On the Lambda Store Admin panel, go to Customers > All Customers to access the 'All Customers' page.
2. Find your desired customer on the grid, and click on their corresponding 'Edit' link under the Action column.
3. On the 'Customer Information' menu, click on Store Credits. This will direct you to the 'Creating Store Credits Form' page.
4. The Store Credits Number is the code that you will provide to customers so that they can redeem their gift card. The system automatically generates a gift card number for you based on the customer's initials, which you can use.
However, each gift card must have a unique gift card number, and while the system may generate the same code, you must edit it (by adding a number or a unique character) so that it is unique.
However, you can also replace this with a unique gift card number.
5. Input the gift card amount in the 'Store Credits Value' field.
6. If necessary, you can also include a 'Valid From...' and 'Valid Till...' dates for your Store Credits by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting an appropriate date range.
7. Once you are complete, click Assign Store Credits at the bottom of the page.
Using Store Credits
Once a gift card has been assigned to a customer, they can use it for any purchase that they make on your store.
1. After adding all desired products, click Proceed to Checkout.
2. Under Payment Method, expand the Apply Store Credits section.
3. Enter the specific gift Store Credits number, and click Apply Store Credits.
4. If the gift card number is valid, then the new cart total displayed will reflect the amount taken off by the Store Credits.
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