Integrating Reporting into Your LMS
Zoola seamlessly integrates into your learning management system, making it easy for users to quickly access the reports that they need to see.
Zoola can be embedded into your system through creating a Zoola block on your homepage, dashboard, or course page. Because Zoola uses single sign-on, users with access to the site can view and create reports without needing a separate sign-on.
Once a user has been assigned a Zoola role from your system, they will have immediate access to Zoola. When they log in to your system, they will also be able to see the Zoola block on their homepage. After the first time a user clicks on the 'Launch Lambda Zoola' button, the Zoola administrator will be able to see them on the Manage Users page, and can further configure that user's profile, roles, and attributes.
Lambda Zoola Block
If there is already a Zoola Block added to your site homepage and configured to display across the entire site, then you cannot add a second copy to Dashboards or My Learning. If you would prefer that the Zoola Block is located on either of these default pages instead, then you must first remove the Zoola Block from your homepage.
Adding a Zoola Block
After a Zoola block has been added, any user who has been granted a Zoola Role in your system will see the Lambda Zoola block, and can launch Zoola Analytics directly from your system.
1. From your site homepage, expand the Site Administration list in the Administration block.
2. Depending on your system:
Moodle: In the Site Administration list, go to Appearance > Default Dashboard Page.
Totara: In the Site Administration list, go to Appearance > Default My Learning Page.
3. In the upper-right corner of the Default Dashboard page or My Learning page, click on Blocks Editing On.
4. In your desired Add A Block block, open the list and select Lambda Zoola.
5. Once you are complete, click Blocks Editing Off.
Zoola Analytics Roles
Once connected, Zoola Analytics adds seven unique roles to your Moodle or Totara system. These roles, when assigned to a user, serve two functions:
1. Assigning any Zoola role in Moodle or Totara enables the assigned user to access Zoola Analytics form their system homepage through the Zoola Block.
2. Each role provides the assigned user with specific access permission in Zoola Analytics that correspond to their Zoola roles.
When logged in as an administrator, you can manage the roles assigned to users within your organization. These roles allow you to define which users have read, write, delete, and execute access to Ad Hoc views, reports, and dashboards.
Read: This permission allows the user to view an item in the Repository and copy it into a customized Ad Hoc view, report, or dashboard.
Write: This permission allows the user to view, open, and modify Repository items.
Delete: This permission allows the user to view and permanently remove Repository items.
Execute: This permission allows the user to run Repository items in the background, but not to view them in the Repository or in customized Ad Hoc views, reports, or dashboards.
List of Zoola Analytics Roles
Zoola Administrator: This role has relative master access and all available permissions in Zoola Analytics. In addition to creating and running Ad Hoc views, reports, and dashboards, users assigned to this role can also manage the permissions and access of other users and roles.
Zoola User: This role allows the assigned user to create and modify Ad Hoc views, reports, and dashboards in Zoola Analytics.
Zoola Dashboards: This role allows the assigned user permission to view and run dashboards in Zoola Analytics. However, they cannot create or modify dashboards.
Zoola Reports: This role allows the assigned user permission to view and run reports in Zoola Analytics. However, they cannot create or modify Ad Hoc views or reports.
Connecting a Moodle or Totara User to Zoola Analytics
You can create a user profile directly in Zoola Analytics from the Manage Users page, but this user will not have access to Zoola Analytics through your system, and will be required to log in independently.
From your Moodle or Totara homepage, you can enable any user within your user's list to access Zoola Analytics, and you can control what content this user can access, modify, create, or delete.
To enable a Moodle or Totara user to access Zoola Analytics:
1. From the Administration menu, go to Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles to access the Assign Roles in System page.
2. From the Role column, select a Zoola role. Once you select a Zoola role, an 'Assign role [role name] in System' window will appear.
3. Search for your desired user in the Potential Users panel, and select their name.
This panel allows you to search through every registered user of your system. If you have many users, then you will need to use the search box.
4. Click Add in the central column. The selected user will now appear in the Existing Users panel.
5. If you would like to assign additional roles, you can select another one from the 'Assign another role' list. You can add multiple roles to the same user to create a customized access structure for the profile.
Zoola Reports Block
The Zoola Reports block gives users direct access to specific reports directly through your system. The block itself lists reports identified as available, and clicking on any of these reports will open up a copy within your system.
In configuring a Reports block, you can identify a specific block tile, which reports are to be made available, and which users can view these reports.
Clicking on a report within the block opens the report file, which can be exported to PDF or Excel.
Adding a Zoola Reports Block
1. From the homepage, expand the Site Administration list in the Administration block.
2. Depending on your system:
Moodle: In the Site Administration list, go to Appearance > Default Dashboard Page.
Totara: In the Site Administration list, go to Appearance > Default Dashboard Page.
3. In the upper-right corner of your Default Dashboard page or My Learning page, click on the Blocks Editing On button.
4. In your desired Add A Block block, open the list and select Lambda Zoola reports.
5. Once you are complete, click Blocks Editing Off.
Configuring the Zoola Reports Block
The Lambda Zoola Reports block can be configured to ensure that only selected reports are shown, and that only users, cohorts, or audiences assigned to the block can see its contents.
If left unconfigured, the Reports block will appear as an empty block to all users who can access its corresponding page on your system. Thus, it is important to configure your Reports block. This ensures the security of your reporting: only certain reports can be shown, and only specified users (like teachers, managers, or shareholders) can see your data.
You can also click here to learn how to configure your Reports block to send reports based on the occurrence of specific events, such as a quiz completion or course completion.
To configure the Reports block to display reports to specified users:
1. In the Zoola Reports block, click on the Settings icon and select Configure Lambda Zoola Reports block to access the 'Configuring a Lambda Zoola Reports block' page.
2. Select the 'Override default block title' option, and then enter a custom name for your Reports block in the 'Block title' field.
By default, the block is named 'Lambda Zoola Reports,' but we recommend that you change it to something that is more descriptive of the reports that you would like to show.
3. To add reports to your Reports block:
Scroll down to the Select Reports section. This panel allows you select reports to be made visible on the Report block.
To add a report, select your desired report from the Available Reports panel and click Add. The selected report will now appear in the Selected Reports panel.
4. To add users who can view reports on your Reports block:
Individual Users: Scroll down to the 'Select Users That Can See Selected Reports' panel. This panel allows you to select users from your system to view select reports.
To enable a user to access these reports, select your desired user from the right-hand side column and click Add. The selected user will now be able to see the selected reports in the Reports block.
Cohorts/Audiences: Scroll down to the 'Select Cohorts That Can See Selected Reports' panel or 'Select Audiences That Can See Select Reports' panel. This panel allows you to select cohorts or audiences from your system to view selected reports.
To enable a cohort or audience to access these reports, select your desired group from the right-hand side column and click Add. The selected group will now be able to see the reports in the Reports block.
5. If necessary, scroll down and expand the 'Where this block appears' and 'On this page' sections to change the location and appearance of the Reports block.
6. Once you are complete, click Save Changes.
As a site administrator, you must also add yourself as a selected user if you would like to see added reports. If you do not add yourself to this list, you will only see the reports when you have selected Turn Editing On.
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