Course Completion Editor
The course completion editor allows you to review and edit a user's course completion. The editor allows you to edit the following user data into any valid state:
- Course completion
- Criteria completion
- Activity completion
- Historic data
These changes are recorded into a transaction log, which tracks changes from both within the editor and in other areas of the system. It also includes a checker, which can be used to find records with any issues.
Editing Course Completion
1. On the administration sidebar menu of your desired course, go to Course Administrator > Completion editor.
2. Find your desired learner on the list, and click on their corresponding 'Edit Course Completion' link.
3. The Completion Records page has five tabs, with three being available to edit.
Editing Course Completion: Overview
The 'Overview' tab lists the user's current course completion record, related programs and certifications, course completion criteria, activity completion, course completion history, and transactions in relation to a particular course.
This tab acts as a short summary of all the available information that can be edited in the other tabs, and can be useful in searching for a specific record that needs to be edited.
Editing Course Completion: Current Completion
The 'Current Completion' tab lists when the user was enrolled in the course, and their current course completion status.
1. If you would like to amend their time of enrolment, click on the 'Time Enrolled' field and select a new date and time.
2. If you would like to amend their current completion status, click on the 'course completion status' drop-down menu and select a new status.
3. Once you are complete, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Editing Course Completion: Criteria and Activities
The 'Criteria and Activities' tab lists the user's progress in achieving both the course completion criteria and the activity completion criteria.
1. If you would like to amend their activity completion status, click on the corresponding cog iconof a particular activity. This will redirect you to an 'Activity completion editing' page.
Using the Editing Mode drop-down menu, select one of the following options.
Use Editing Completion: Select this option if you would only like to edit the activity completion status. This will result in an activity's criteria status being set to complete if the activity is set to complete.
Use Separate Completion Data: Select this option if you would like to edit an activity's criteria status separately.
2. Then, you can amend whether or not the user has completed the activity by selecting either Completed or Not completed from the 'Activity status' drop-down menu.
If you select Completed, then you will be prompted to set an Activity time completed (mandatory) and a Recognition of Prior Learning (optional).
3. Once you are complete, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Editing Course Completion: History
The 'History' tab lists the user's course completion history for a particular course.
1. If you would like to amend their course completion history, click on the 'Add history' button.
You will then be prompted to set a Time complete (mandatory) and a Grade (optional).
2. Once you are complete, click Add History at the bottom of the page.
Editing Course Completion: Transactions
The 'Transactions' tab lists all the previous changes that site administrators have made to the user's course completion records.
Manually Deleting Course Completion
When enrolled learners are unenrolled from a course, there will still be a course completion that remains as a record of their previous enrolment. While we recommend keeping all information, this may not always be necessary, such as when the enrolment happens accidentally.
Removing Individual Completion Records
The Completion Editor can be used to remove course completion records of learners who are no longer enrolled in the course. When editing the course completion information of an unenrolled learner, an information box will appear above the tabs, with a link to delete the current course completion record.
This will permanently remove all completion history and information of the learner on the course, and cannot be undone.
Removing Completion Records in Bulk
If many learners were accidentally enrolled and then unenrolled from a course, then individually editing and deleting the course completion records for each learner will be time consuming.
Please contact the Lambda Support team for assistance if this occurs.
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