Record of Learning
A learner's record of learning displays evidence, competencies, objectives and programs, along with certifications that they have completed, or are currently completing.
If a learner does not have any records in the competencies, objectives, programs, or certifications sections, then the tab will not show. However, the other evidence tab can still be accessed.
Records of learning are separated into the following categories:
All Learning: Displays both completed and in-progress certifications.
Active Learning: Displays only current results.
Completed Learning: Displays completed results and course progress for unenrolled courses.
When courses, programs, and certifications are visible to learners, an entry is created in their record of learning. Once a learner starts progressing, this item will be kept and displayed as a permanent entry in their record of learning, regardless of visibility.
Required Learning
All assigned learning, through programs or certifications, are displayed with a summary of progress.
Audience Visibility
Audience visibility for courses, programs, or certifications will affect how they appear in the record of learning.
With the audience visibility turned off:
Course: Any assigned learners will see the course greyed out in their record of learning. They will also be unable to access the course when clicking it.
Program or Certification: Any assigned learners will be able to see the program or certification in their record of learning. They can also access program content when clicking it.
With the audience visibility turned on:
Course: If the course is set to No users, then anyone assigned to the course will not see it in their record of learning or required learning. They also cannot access the course via URL.
Program or Certification: If the program is set to No users, then any assigned learners will not see it in their record of learning or required learning.
Calculating Progress and Completion
A learner's progress can be viewed through their record of learning course report that appears on the 'Record of Learning' page. This report can be customized by a site administrator to add or remove filters and columns to suit an organization's needs.
Completion Status Filter
Completion status filters have three options:
- Not Yet Started: Displays all courses with a 0% progress.
- In Progress: Displays courses with progress between, but not including, 0% and 100%.
- Completed: Displays courses with a 100% progress.
Progress Report Columns
There are three different columns for displaying progress. These columns display the same completion percentage, but with the following differences:
- Progress (and Approval Status): Displays the percentage completed in a progress bar. For learning plans where there is an approval status, this approval status is also displayed. When exported, the percentage completed is exported as a number only. Where an approval status is available, this status is also exported. This column is included in the report by default.
- Progress (Numeric): Displays the percentage completed in a progress bar, and exports as a number only.
- Progress (% Complete): Displays the percentage completed in a progress bar, and exports the percentage as a number followed by the text '% complete.'
Adding Other Evidence to Record of Learning
1. On the upper button bar, select the 'My Records' drop-down menu and click Record of Learning.
2. Select the 'Other Evidence' tab.
3. Select the 'Add evidence' button.
4. Add the name of your form of evidence.
5. Select an appropriate evidence type from the drop-down menu.
You can choose the following options: Certificate, diploma, PhD, and hours of experience.
6. If your form of evidence is located on a different website, then add an appropriate URL and hyperlink.
7. Add the name of the institution offering your form of evidence.
8. If necessary, enable and set an optional completion date.
9. If your form of evidence has any accompanying documents, then upload them onto the File attachment field. You can upload up to 10 files.
10. If necessary, include the number of hours needed to complete your form of evidence.
11. Once you are complete, click Add Evidence at the bottom of the page.
Enabling and Awarding 'Recognition of Prior Learning'
Awarding learners with a 'Recognition of Prior Learning' allows you to indicate that a learner has completed an equivalent of a course or activity. This feature is used when marking activities completed only when they are used as course completion criteria - specifically in the gradebook.
Step 1: Enable Recognition of Prior Learning
1. Go to Site Administration > Advanced Features.
2. Scroll down to the 'Enable Record of Learning' section, and select Show. On the same page, you will then find the Enable RPL for courses and the Enable RPL for modules sections. Select your desired activities for each section.
Enable RPL for courses means that you can manually mark the course as complete, bypassing any course completion criteria.
Enable PRL for modules means that the selected activities can be marked as complete by course managers and administrators in the course completion report.
3. Once you are complete, click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: Awarding a Recognition of Prior Learning
1. To award a recognition of prior learning, you will need to go to a course that has the course completion conditions enabled.
2. From here, go to Course Administration > Reports > Course completion.
Here, you will see a table showing learners with all the course completion conditions. You should be able to see a checkbox beside the activity name for Recognition of Prior Learning.
3. Find your desired learner, and select the checkbox activity. If you would like to complete the course for that learner, go to the farthest column on the right, and select the recognition of prior learning box there.
To override a completion condition for an activity that is not necessarily part of the course completion condition:
1. Go to Course Administration > Completion editor.
2. Here, you can scroll down and find a drop-down menu of all the activities. Click the Edit icon and you can update the learners' completion status of that activity.
Completion editing will be tracked in the tabs under History and Transactions.
Click here to learn more about the course completion editor.
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