Synchronization Options Overview
By navigating to Catalog > Synchronize to Lambda Learn using the Lambda Store admin panel, you can access the Synchronization Options page. This page lists the various options that you can choose to synchronize or ignore.
Category options list the course category qualities that you can synchronize into your Lambda Store website.
Update names decides whether or not course category names are synchronized.
Update descriptions decides whether or not course category descriptions are synchronized.
Update hierarchy decides whether or not course category naming conventions are synchronized.
Update statuses decides whether or not course category visibilities are synchronized.
Product options list the individual course qualities that you can synchronize into your Lambda Store website.
Update names decides whether or not course names are synchronized.
Update descriptions decides whether or not course descriptions are synchronized.
Update images decides whether or not course images are synchronized.
Update statuses decides whether or not course visibilities are synchronized.
Add to categories menu allows you to add courses to other categories in addition to their default Lambda Learn category.
Previously-synchronized courses will be resynchronized into the Lambda Store with each synchronization.
If you have made any changes to a course on your Lambda Store website, but not on your Lambda Learn website, then a synchronization will result in your Lambda Store changes being overwritten by the data on the Lambda Learn website.
If you would like to keep any changes that you have made separately on your Lambda Store website, then set the Update [option] to No.
Synchronization Options Example: Ignoring Descriptions
Titan Technologies courses often default to having longer course and product descriptions on Lambda Learn. However, they would like to create more marketable descriptions for their Lambda Store website.
To ignore synchronizing course and product descriptions into the Lambda Store website:
1. Follow the steps to prepare the desired course(s) for synchronization on the Lambda Learn website.
2. In the Lambda Store admin panel, click Catalog > Synchronize with Lambda Learn to access the Synchronization Options page.
3. Under both Category options and Product options, set Update descriptions to No. Then, click Review Changes.
4. Review the Synchronization Review page. Then, click Apply Changes.
5. The synchronization is complete, and now Titan Technologies can create different descriptions for their course listings on the Lambda Store website.
Synchronization Options Example: Creating Additional Categories
The Titan Technologies course, Introduction to Economics, is only listed under the 'Economics' category on Lambda Learn. For organizational purposes, they cannot list this course under any other category. However, they would like to also list it under the 'Online Courses' category on their Lambda Store website.
To add Introduction to Economics to an additional category:
1. Follow the steps to prepare Introduction to Economics for synchronization on the Lambda Learn website.
2. In the Lambda Store admin panel, click Catalog > Synchronize with Lambda Learn to access the Synchronization Options page.
3. In the Add to categories menu, select the 'Online Courses' category. Then, click Review Changes.
4. Review the Synchronization Review page. Then, click Apply Changes.
5. The synchronization is complete, and now Introduction to Economics is also listed under the 'Online Courses' category of the Lambda Store website.
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