Introduction to Cart Price Rules
A cart price rule applies discounts to items already added to the shopping cart, based on a set of conditions. The discount can be applied automatically as soon as the conditions are met, or when the customer enters a valid coupon code. When applied, the discount appears in the cart under the subtotal. A cart price rule can be used for a season or promotion by changing its status and date range.
Creating a Cart Price Rule
Step 1: Open Up Cart Price Rule Page
1. On the Lambda Admin panel sidebar, click Marketing > Cart Price Rules to access the Cart Price Rules page.
2. Click Add New Rule on the button bar to open up the New Cart Price Rule page.
Step 2: Rule Information
2. Fill in the Rule Name and Description fields.
3. Set the Status box to Active if you would like the rule to be enabled on your Lambda Store website. You can set the status box to Inactive if you would like to temporarily disable the rule.
4. Select the Website(s) that you would like this rule to apply to.
5. Select the Customer Groups to which this rule will apply to.
To select multiple groups, hold down the Crtl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac), and select your desired groups.
6. If necessary, generate a Coupon code:
Coupon codes are used with cart price rules to apply a discount when a set of conditions are met. To use the coupon, the customer enters the coupon code in the shopping cart.
No Coupon: To have the cart rule applied to all items, set Coupon to 'No Coupon' and skip the coupon code section.
With Coupon: To associate a coupon with a price rule, set Coupon to 'Specific Coupon.' If you choose to use a coupon, then complete the following fields:
For Coupon code, create a code that the customer must enter to receive the discount.
You can create your own coupon code by entering the code in the Coupon code field, or you can select Use Auto Generation to automatically generate a code.
If you choose to use auto generation, scroll down and expand the Manage Coupon Codes section and fill in the necessary fields. Click Generate once you are complete.
Use per Coupon determines how many times a coupon code can be used. If there is no limit, use "0" or leave the field blank.
Uses per Customer determines how many times a coupon code can be used by the same registered customer who belongs to any of the selected customer groups. If there is no limit, use "0" or leave the field blank.
This setting does not apply to guest shoppers who are members of the NOT LOGGED IN customer group, or to customers who shop without logging in to their accounts.
7. Choose a Start Date and an End Date for the price rule to be active by clicking on the calendar icons.
8. Enter a number in the Priority field to establish the priority of this rule in relation to others.
The rule with the highest priority setting (with 1 being the highest priority) will become active for the product, and override conflicting price rules.
Step 3: Define the Price Rule Conditions (If Necessary)
Most of the available conditions are based on existing attribute values. To apply the rule to all products, leave the conditions blank.
9. Scroll down and expand the Conditions section.
10. The first condition appears by default, and states:
You can create different conditions for your rule by clicking the bold text. All bold text in the Conditions section are clickable and alterable.
- Click ALL and select ALL or ANY.
- Click TRUE and select TRUE or FALSE.
11. Click the button at the beginning of the next line, and select an option for the condition (like an attribute set, category, or conditions combination) from the drop down menu.
12. Click the "..." to display the designated field, and select the option that suits your price rule.
Step 4: Define Actions
13. Scroll down and expand the Actions section.
14. In the Apply field, select one option from the drop down menu:
Percent of product price discount: You can add a percentage discount from the regular price of each qualifying item in the cart (For example, entering '10' generates a 10% discount for each qualifying item).
Fixed amount discount: You can add a fixed discount by entering a value that is to be subtracted from the regular price of each qualifying item in the cart (For example, entering '10' takes $10 off the regular price for each qualifying item).
Fixed amount discount for whole cart: You can add a fixed discount by entering a value that is to be subtracted from the cart total (For example, entering '10' takes $10 off the entire cart total).
Buy get Y free: You can define a quantity that the customer must purchase to receive a quantity for free.
15. Enter the Discount Amount as a number without symbols. The symbols are dependent on the option you select from the Apply field.
16. In the Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To field, enter the maximum quantity of the same product that can qualify for the discount in the same purchase.
17. If 'Buy X get Y free' is selected, enter the quantity that the customer must purchase to receive the discount in the Discount Qty Step (Buy X) field.
18. For Apply to Shipping Amount, select either Yes or No.
Yes: Applies the discount amount separately to the subtotal and shipping amounts.
No: Applies the discount amount only to the subtotal.
19. If you would like to stop processing other rules, set Discard Subsequent Rules to Yes. This prevents customers from receiving multiple discounts for the same product.
20. If you would like to add free shipping to your products, click on the drop down menu to select the appropriate option for Free Shipping.
No: Free shipping is not available.
For matching items only: Free shipping is available only for items that match the conditions of the rule.
For shipments with matching items: Free shipping is available for any shipment that includes the matching items.
Step 5: Labels
21. Scroll down and expand the Labels section. This section shows the rule label that appears on your Lambda Store website.
22. Enter the name that you would like to use as the Default Rule Label for all store views.
23. If your website has multiple views, enter the appropriate label name for each view.
Step 6: Save Your Rule
24. Once you are complete, click Save on the button bar. If you would to continue editing your rule, click Save and Continue Editing.
25. Test your rule to ensure that it is working correctly.
26. You can edit your rule by clicking on it on the Cart Price Rule grid.
Example: Buying 2 or More Products From the Same Category to Get a Discount
In this example, Titan Technologies is offering a discount where purchasing two or more Economics products will give customers a 25% off discount.
The conditions for seeing this 25% discount:
1. Select two or more products in the Economics category.
2. The offer lasts between 28 September and 2 October.
Step 1: Open Up Cart Price Rule Page
3. On the Lambda Admin panel sidebar, click Marketing > Cart Price Rules to access the Cart Price Rules page.
4. Click Add New Rule on the button bar to open up the New Cart Price Rule page.
Step 2: Rule Information
5. Fill in the Rule Name and Description fields.
6. Set the Status box to Active if you would like the rule to be enabled on your Lambda Store website.
7. Select the Website(s) that you would like this rule to apply to.
8. Select the Customer Groups to which this rule will apply to.
9. If necessary, generate a Coupon code.
10. Choose a Start Date and an End Date for the price rule to be active by clicking on the calendar icons.
11. Enter a number in the Priority field to establish the priority of this rule in relation to others.
Step 3: Define the Price Rule Conditions (If Necessary)
12. Scroll down and expand the Conditions section.
13. Click the button at the beginning of the next line, and click Products subselection from the drop down menu.
14. Then, click "is" and "..." to display the selection of options.
In this example, click "is" and select "equals or greater than."
Then, click "..." and type the amount "2" in the field.
15. Click the button to add another condition, and click Category from the drop down menu.
16. Search for the appropriate category. In this case, search for and select Economics, which is listed under its Category ID, 31.
Step 4: Define Actions
17. Scroll down and expand the Actions section.
18. In the Apply field, select Percent of product price discount, which adds a percentage discount to the original price of each qualifying item in the cart.
19. Enter the percentage as your Discount Amount.
In this example, enter '25' to offer a '25% off' discount.
20. Click the button to add a condition, and click Category from the drop down menu.
21. Search for the appropriate category. In this case, search for and select Economics, which is listed under its Category ID, 31.
Now, the discount will be applied to products specifically from the Economics category. Products from other categories will not share the same discount when the conditions are met.
22. For Apply to Shipping Amount, select either Yes or No.
23. If you would like to stop processing other rules, set Discard Subsequent Rules to Yes. This prevents customers from receiving multiple discounts for the same product.
24. If you would like to add free shipping to your products, click on the drop down menu to select the appropriate option for Free Shipping.
Step 5: Labels
25. Scroll down and expand the Labels section. This section shows the rule label that appears on your Lambda Store website.
26. Enter the name that you would like to use as the Default Rule Label for all store views.
27. If your website has multiple views, enter the appropriate label name for each view.
Step 6: Save Your Rule
28. Once you are complete, click Save on the button bar. If you would to continue editing your rule, click Save and Continue Editing.
29. Test your rule to ensure that it is working correctly.
30. You can edit your rule by clicking on it on the Cart Price Rule grid.
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